Recently Will Cathcart, the head of WhatsApp at its parent company Meta, told The Verge that the company “would love” to launch an iPad app at some point. His comment confirms that in near future there might be a version of WhatsApp for iPad. Sadly, Will Cathcart didn’t dive into specifics and he didn’t even share a particular date as to when this will happen. Cathcart stated, “We did a lot of work on the technology for supporting multiple devices.” Here he referenced the rollout of opt-in, multi-device support for WhatsApp last year. He further added, “Our web and our desktop apps now have that. If I have multi-device on, I can turn my phone off or lose my network connection and still get messages on my desktop. That would be really important for a tablet app, to be able to use the app even if your phone isn’t on. So the underlying technology is there.” The multi-device support created by WhatsApp last year allows users to link up to four devices at a time to their accounts. That said, your phone still needs to be connected to the internet for these devices to function properly. The primary reason behind the unavailability of Whatsapp on iPad is the way WhatsApp encrypts messages. It’s the reason why Whatsapp hasn’t been able to sync chats across devices on the internet. Do share your thoughts and opinions on Whatsapp for iPad in the comments section below.